Saturday, October 26, 2013

Lift Yourself Up With Music!

We all find ourselves down from time to time.  You know the feeling--blue, down in the dumps, glum.  This is totally normal!

Oftentimes, though, when we find ourselves in these types of states, we turn to music as a sort of therapy.  It's comforting to listen to those sad tunes--Sinead O'Connor's Nothing Compares 2U, George Harrison's I Live For You, Bruce Springsteen's The River, Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 5--and I say EMBRACE them!  Listen to them, cry if need be, sulk, and release all those sad/negative/what-have-you emotions.

Use music as therapy and allow it to transport you!

Allow whatever it is you're listening to, though, to eventually shift you over to peppier, more upbeat songs [eventually].  Get the "sad songs" out of your system, even if it takes a whole month, but allow that music to transport you to a happier state.  In time, you will naturally want to listen to Let's Call the Whole Thing Off!

Without realizing it, the music we are listening to reflects our current mental-spiritual state.

Reflect on the current soundtrack YOU are listening to.  What kind of music comprises it?  Have you been drawn to a specific type of music lately?  Take inventory on the music you've been listening to might be reflecting your overall spirit or how your overall spirit might be impacting your choice of music!

In short, music is some pretty powerful stuff.  Use it for the amazing tool that it is.  And if, by chance, you do happen to be feeling down, might I recommend this to add just a bit of brightness to your current life soundtrack?

With love, light and happiness,

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Brief Hiatus

Hi All!

Thank you for being such loyal readers.  I wanted to let you know I will be taking a brief hiatus from my blog.  I will be back though with even MORE advice to offer you all and even greater wisdom.  For now I simply cannot commit as regularly as you all deserve.

As always, with love, light and happiness,

Friday, October 4, 2013

Heed Your Own Advice

Ok.  I'll admit it.  This post is selfish.  I wrote it for me.

Actually, truth be told, I write all of my posts for me.  I, of course, hope that they will help you but yup.  They're for me.  Selfish.

Anyway, what inspired the subject of this post was the truly wonderful conversation I had with my mom earlier this evening.  We talked about the the usual "stuff" going on in our respective lives--work, weather, family members--but we also got into some more personal stuff, most of which was about me.

Ever since I can remember, I've been so hard on myself.  I really don't like that about myself but it is what it is.  Try as I might to change it, I have a really hard time!  I fear that it's going to be an eternal struggle but I know it doesn't have to be and that I can change.

During our conversation, my mom offered me some great advice and that was to listen to my own words, aka my blog posts!  As I mentioned, I write them for you all but they come from my heart and soul.  The posts I share are what I'm feeling in the moment but I hope that those feelings will resonate with you all as well.  The advice, guidance, whatever you want to call it, that I offer is sincere.  That is to say, I firmly stand behind what I offer--I just need to start listening to myself!

To conclude this short post, I encourage you all to heed your own advice.  Pay attention to your own wise words.  You have more knowledge and compassion for yourselves than you realize.  Tune into it and listen to your inner voice.

I will do the same.

With love, light and happiness,